• Yandex Terra won in the special "GRID" nomination at the 6th international conference Startup Village-2018

    In the startup competition at the 6th international conference Startup Village-2018, which was held in the Skolkovo Innovation Center, Yandex Terra (Seismotech, Ltd.) won in the special "GRID" nomination.

  • The "FSA" in the 1st meeting of the Association of AR&VR of Russia

    The "FSA" company participated in the first meeting of the Association of Augmented and Virtual Reality of Russia (3 June at the Startup Village, Skolkovo). The Association's Executive Director Catherine Filatova said, that objectives of the Association...

  • Skolkovo ramps up high-tech ties with India

    Skolkovo signed an agreement with India on Thursday to ramp up cooperation in the high-tech sector, part of a raft of deals overseen by Russian President Vladimir Putin during a trip to New Delhi. Skolkovo Foundation president Victor Vekselber, center...

    11 December, 14:41 Nowak David
  • A fireside chat with Russia’s leaders of innovation

    HELSINKI, Finland - Russia’s chief proponents of innovation took to the silver stage Tuesday at Slush 2014, Europe’s biggest startup conference, to share the secrets of entering the Russian market. From left: Galitsky, Viljakainen, Dvorkovich...

    18 November, 15:09 Nowak David
  • Exoskeleton ‘Albert’ to star at Science Festival

    A Skolkovo resident tech company is to exhibit its latest prototype exoskeleton, a contraption designed to enhance the physical abilities of the human body, at the Russian State University Science Festival this week. The startup, ExoAtlet, is to put on display...

    10 October, 11:53 Nowak David
  • Russian exoskeleton startup wins Skolkovo participant status

    The innovators of Russia’s first exoskeleton, designed to enhance the physical abilities of the human body, have been welcomed into the Skolkovo fold after triumphing at the organization’s Startup Village event earlier this year. Photograph...

    14 August, 10:46 Nowak David
  • 3D-Tek wins in FavorIT

    Victors in the FavorIT competition got their awards at Startup Village. FavorIT is a contest of IT projects that offer the best investment opportunities. 3D-Tek was declared the winner. By Marina Efendieva Marat Gainanov, of 3D-TEk, photo by...

  • Viva the Winners of Startup Village!

    ExoAtlet, a project that combines an important social function with advanced IT and robotics solutions, has been named the winner in the competition held within the Startup Village mega conference of startups. On June 3, 2014 the results of one of the...

  • Startup Village

    «Т-смарт» примет участие в стартап-конференции Startup Village, которая пройдет в Москве с 2-3 июня. Startup Village — это вторая ежегодная всероссийская стартап-конференция предпринимателей и инноваторов, организуемая Фондом «Сколково» совместно с партнерами...

    02 June, 10:25 panfilov
  • Smart Village

    «Т-смарт» примет участие в стартап-конференции Startup Village, которая пройдет в Москве с 2-3 июня. Startup Village — это вторая ежегодная всероссийская стартап-конференция предпринимателей и инноваторов, организуемая Фондом «Сколково» совместно с партнерами...

    02 June, 10:23 panfilov
  • Optimal Management company wins two prizes on Startup Village 2013

    Optimal Management has reached finals at Startup Village 2013 and received a 150,000 Rubles prize. Vitaliy Baklikov who led the pitch is on the photo holding the winnings. Furthermore, Optimal Management was also awarded a special prize from SAP - a trip to...

    06 June, 22:55 Andrey Sukhobokov
  • Pictures from Startup Village!

    Hello! It's been long two days as we were participating in the amazing event Startup Village in Hypercube "Skolkovo". Our company was not only competing in the pitch competition, but also was present at the exhibition of Skolkovo success companies...