• Why humans kick robots: industry 4.0

    In an unidentified major European logistics enterprise where robots had been introduced with great effect to transport goods around the warehouse floor, the human workers, anxious they would lose their jobs, reportedly began kicking the robots over and then...

    28 November, 15:45 Collinson Shura
  • United we stand: Russian state space corporation, private startups seek joint path to the stars

    There was a distinct feeling of déjà vu at the second InSpace forum held in Moscow on Friday, where one year after the original event , the main players in Russia’s space industry pondered the same existential questions that had dominated...

    06 March, 19:19 Collinson Shura
  • Точечное точное земледелие

    Чтобы прокормить растущее население Земли, в ближайшие полвека человечеству придется произвести такое же количество еды, какое было произведено за минувшие 10 тысяч лет. Такой прогноз прозвучал в Гиперкубе в Сколково на первой масштабной и тематически разнообразной...

    31 March, 14:39 Mungalov Dmitry