• Russia's development institutes join forces to launch new wave of tech competitions

    The U.S. may be streets ahead in the development of driverless cars, but there is one area where Russia could still overtake, Russian technology experts believe. Their secret weapon? That tried-and-tested historical ally, General Winter. For it’s one...

    13 December, 14:59 Collinson Shura
  • Урок Innorobo: все дело в мозгах

    Страсти по проходящему во Франции ЧЕ по футболу отодвинули на второй план внимание к состоявшейся в Париже в конце мая одной из крупнейших в Европе робототехнических тусовок Innorobo, но сами робототехники продолжают обсуждать конференцию. Восемь сколковских...

    14 June, 8:40 Baklanov Mikhail
  • ‘Keep Calm and Make Robots’

    In business, they say, failure is the first step on the ladder to success. If that’s true, Daria Kaftan is headed in the right direction. Daria Kaftan, the 24-year-old rock-chick innovator and familiar face in the Skolkovo ecosystem. Photo: sk.ru...

    06 May, 16:49 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo Robotics International Conference

    The Skolkovo Innovation Center on March 20-22 hosted the third Skolkovo Robotics International Conference, one of the biggest events of its kind in Russia. More than 2,000 registered for the three-day bonanza , which bought together robot developers, company...

    27 March, 10:18 Nowak David
  • A forum of robots, a meeting of minds

    The third Skolkovo Robotics International Conference was a runaway success, attracting a wide array of participants from all corners of the planet and, critically, encouraging the discipline to flourish domestically. The March 20-22 event at the Skolkovo...

    24 March, 11:16 Nowak David