• What a difference a year makes

    When Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev declared at Startup Village that the Skolkovo Innovation Center is developing as planned, he was speaking as someone who’d had the benefit of several helicopter fly-bys to back up the assertion. Now, the picture...

    05 June, 10:16 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo Robotics International Conference

    The Skolkovo Innovation Center on March 20-22 hosted the third Skolkovo Robotics International Conference, one of the biggest events of its kind in Russia. More than 2,000 registered for the three-day bonanza , which bought together robot developers, company...

    27 March, 10:18 Nowak David
  • Vekselberg: Russia should have a dozen Skolkovos

    Addressing officials from 79 of Russia’s 83 regions from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg on Wednesday called for the creation of a dozen similar innovation centers across the country. The conference at the Hypercube...

    28 January, 15:19 Nowak David
  • Medvedev: Russia sowing seeds of innovations economy

    Russia has made strides in creating the infrastructure needed for an innovations-based economy, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Friday at a meeting of the economic modernization commission presidium at the Skolkovo Hypercube. Medvedev was chairing the...

    19 December, 13:46 Nowak David
  • Panasonic becomes Skolkovo partner

    Electronics giant Panasonic became a partner of the Skolkovo Foundation on Friday, signing a deal with Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg that obliges the Japanese multinational to build research facilities at the Russian innovation center. The agreement...

    19 December, 13:11 Nowak David
  • Key Skolkovo partners Microsoft, Siemens, reiterate commitment to project

    Skolkovo’s flagship partners including Microsoft and Siemens have reiterated their commitment to the project, insisting political turbulence will not blow them off course. At the Hypercube this week the Skolkovo Foundation held its Industrial Advisory...

    13 November, 10:17 Nowak David