• Vekselberg: Russia should have a dozen Skolkovos

    Addressing officials from 79 of Russia’s 83 regions from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg on Wednesday called for the creation of a dozen similar innovation centers across the country. The conference at the Hypercube...

    28 January, 15:19 Nowak David
  • Medvedev: Russia sowing seeds of innovations economy

    Russia has made strides in creating the infrastructure needed for an innovations-based economy, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Friday at a meeting of the economic modernization commission presidium at the Skolkovo Hypercube. Medvedev was chairing the...

    19 December, 13:46 Nowak David
  • Panasonic becomes Skolkovo partner

    Electronics giant Panasonic became a partner of the Skolkovo Foundation on Friday, signing a deal with Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg that obliges the Japanese multinational to build research facilities at the Russian innovation center. The agreement...

    19 December, 13:11 Nowak David