• Innovations hub Kaluga region seizes the moment to help cancer patients

    “Did you know that more than 70 percent of cancer patient deaths are caused not by the cancer itself, but by the side effects of chemotherapy?” With this shocking statistic just minutes into the presentation of his product, Andrei Garazha has the...

    20 February, 12:27 Collinson Shura
  • What a difference a year makes

    When Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev declared at Startup Village that the Skolkovo Innovation Center is developing as planned, he was speaking as someone who’d had the benefit of several helicopter fly-bys to back up the assertion. Now, the picture...

    05 June, 10:16 Nowak David
  • Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev: Skolkovo is producing results

    Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev says Skolkovo is starting to produce tangible results, despite being less than five years old. From left: Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg, his advisor Pekka Viljakainen, and Prime Minister Medvedev. Photo: sk.ru ...

    04 June, 14:54 Nowak David
  • Автоваз станет частью экосистемы «Сколково»

    Делегация Фонда «Сколково» во главе со старшим вице-президентом по инновациям Василием Беловым побывала на этой неделе в Тольятти, посетила АвтоВАЗ, провела переговоры с главой автомобильного концерна Бу Андерссоном. Эти встречи оказались весьма...

    28 January, 18:56 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Vekselberg: Russia should have a dozen Skolkovos

    Addressing officials from 79 of Russia’s 83 regions from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg on Wednesday called for the creation of a dozen similar innovation centers across the country. The conference at the Hypercube...

    28 January, 15:19 Nowak David
  • «Кризис кризисом, а инновации продолжаются»

    В Гиперкубе «Сколково» стартовало первое Всероссийское совещание «Инновации в новых экономических реалиях». Свыше ста участников из порядка 80 регионов страны собрались для того, чтобы, как выразился вице-президент «Сколково»...

    28 January, 14:25 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Medvedev: Russia sowing seeds of innovations economy

    Russia has made strides in creating the infrastructure needed for an innovations-based economy, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Friday at a meeting of the economic modernization commission presidium at the Skolkovo Hypercube. Medvedev was chairing the...

    19 December, 13:46 Nowak David