• Открыт третий сезон Школы стартапов Skolkovo

    В Школе стартапов Skolkovo стартовал осенне-зимний сезон. Онлайн-программа, уже третья по счету, продлится один месяц. Она адресована стартап-командам из сфер IT, искусственного интеллекта, VR, промышленных технологий, EdTech и биомедицины, разработки которых...

    23 November, 13:14 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Startups can help to rebrand Russia, says Singapore-based business guru

    For any Russian company with international aspirations, the Asian markets are the modern Klondike - and not just because strained relations with the West have made it more difficult for some Russian enterprises to do business there. Asia will be the future...

    03 February, 18:19 Collinson Shura
  • Update available for Startup Village

    Improvements in this version of Startup Village: Record crowds, new setting, creative catering. Like the leading smartphone apps, Startup Village is constantly evolving. The third edition of Russia and Eastern Europe’s biggest startup event is no...

    26 May, 13:03 Nowak David
  • The day the Russian Startup Tour ceases to be ‘Russian’

    A key message that Skolkovo transmits its startups is the need to expand into new territories. Now it is leading by example: This week, Russia’s biggest innovations roadshow ventures abroad for the first time in its five-year history. Almaty - the...

    13 March, 14:02 Nowak David