• Presenting RedWAVE, a ready and available underwater GPS system

    The Underwater Communication & Navigation Laboratory , a resident startup of the Skolkovo Foundation’s advanced manufacturing, nuclear and space technologies cluster, has created a unique underwater navigation system known as RedWAVE. In this column...

    01 August, 18:09 Collinson Shura
  • What’s in store for spacetech in 2017?

    Last year was a dynamic time for space technologies, full of great achievements and ambitious plans as well as epic failures and accidents, reminding us of the complexity of space exploration, writes Ivan Kosenkov, a project manager with the Skolkovo Foundation’s...

    07 February, 16:43 Collinson Shura
  • Skolkovo’s newest resident looks to combat aging using artificial intelligence

    Insilico, the latest startup to join the Skolkovo Foundation’s biomed cluster, aims to apply artificial intelligence to extend human productive longevity and transform the pharmaceutical industry. Alex Zhavoronkov, who founded the U.S. company Insilico...

    04 August, 16:27 Collinson Shura
  • Нужны ли «водителям» дронов права

    Директор направления «Молодые профессионалы» правительственного Агентства стратегических инициатив (АСИ) Дмитрий Песков рассказал в сегодняшнем интервью «Известиям» о новой инициативе. Агентство предлагает внести изменения в законодательство...

    03 September, 15:34 Efendieva Marina