• Artificial intelligence to dominate discussions at Skolkovo

    Questions surrounding artificial intelligence and whether or not it constitutes a threat to mankind have dominated the headlines this year. Now the Skolkovo innovation centre is gathering together Russian and international experts in this field to discuss the...

    10 November, 14:05 Collinson Shura
  • Skolkovo Robotics event offers a glimpse of the future

    Leading experts in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence from around the world gathered at the Skolkovo innovation centre on Friday for the annual Skolkovo Robotics event. The annual Skolkovo Robotics event attracted both human robot-makers...

    23 May, 14:28 Collinson Shura
  • Skolkovo Robotics 2016: жить и работать с роботами

    Роботы: друзья или враги? Способны ли они изменить наш мир? Как развитие робототехники повлияет на экономику, насколько далеко ушел научно-технический прогресс и когда наступит неизбежное будущее, в котором человеку придется жить и работать бок о бок с «умными»...

    05 May, 12:19 Efendieva Marina
  • An interview with Albert Yefimov, head of Skolkovo Robotics Centre

    Ahead of his appearance at the Innorobo Keynote in Paris in May, Albert Yefimov, head of the Skolkovo Foundation's Robotics Centre , gave an interview to TheDisruptory, a website devoted to disruptive innovations from around the world. Image: thedisruptory...

    10 February, 9:56 Collinson Shura
  • Medvedev eyes Skolkovo UAVs at Russian Arms Expo

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev cast his eye over innovations from residents of the Skolkovo Foundation this week at the Russian Arms Expo in Nizhny Tagil. Belyakov, left, showing Medvedev the Skolkovo stand. Photo: sk.ru Medvedev, who created...

    11 September, 11:16 Nowak David
  • Update available for Startup Village

    Improvements in this version of Startup Village: Record crowds, new setting, creative catering. Like the leading smartphone apps, Startup Village is constantly evolving. The third edition of Russia and Eastern Europe’s biggest startup event is no...

    26 May, 13:03 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo International Robotics Conference: ‘A wheel of opportunity’

    On March 20-22, the Hypercube will host Russia’s biggest robotics event, the Skolkovo International Robotics Conference. Photo: sk.ru Around 1,800 people are registered for the three-day bonanza, which brings robot developers, company CEOs...

    10 March, 16:05 Nowak David