• «Сколково» на форуме BIO-2018

    4 июня в Бостоне начинается форум BIO-2018, одно из главных мировых событий в области биоиндустрии. В составе делегации Фонда «Сколково» во главе со старшим вице-президентом по инновациям Кириллом Каемом на BIO отправятся более 20 резидентов. Это...

    04 June, 9:17 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Skoltech opens itself up for scrutiny as the ultimate CDIO-inspired university

    How does a country produce new generations of engineers equipped with the skills that are in demand in the real world once they graduate from university? Nearly two decades ago, a group of engineering schools set about tackling the widening gap between engineering...

    19 January, 15:49 Collinson Shura
  • Asteroid mining: Russian experts call for action in the new space race

    Russia’s official position on the potentially lucrative field of asteroid mining is that it is outlawed by the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which declares that space is “the province of mankind,” and that its use and exploration must “benefit...

    20 October, 14:16 Collinson Shura