• Russia's development institutes join forces to launch new wave of tech competitions

    The U.S. may be streets ahead in the development of driverless cars, but there is one area where Russia could still overtake, Russian technology experts believe. Their secret weapon? That tried-and-tested historical ally, General Winter. For it’s one...

    13 December, 14:59 Collinson Shura
  • Hacking life’s obstacle course: tech that enables

    A large section of the Skolkovo Technopark was turned into an obstacle course with a difference this week, as people of all ages raced to complete a course that included walking up some steps while holding a tray of apples, opening a door at the top of the...

    10 November, 18:25 Collinson Shura
  • Copyright register, smart tag-maker win tickets to Startup Village at Echelon Vietnam

    Two Vietnam-based companies – one that helps people to secure their copyright and another that creates smart tags using QR codes – will be attending the Skolkovo innovation centre’s Startup Village outside Moscow in June after winning invitations...

    21 November, 17:31 Collinson Shura
  • Сервис Cashoff назван лучшим на FinTech Lab

    В рамках конференции FinTech Lab 2016 состоялась битва питчей финтех-стартапов, по итогам которой сервис Cashoff, разработанный резидентом «Сколково» « Кэшофф Лаб », набрал наибольшее число голосов от представителей банковского сообщества...

    01 July, 10:50 Efendieva Marina
  • Skolkovo Cyberday 2015: эксперты и стартапы отрасли ИБ на одной площадке

    В Гиперкубе Сколково прошла первая в Восточной Европе международная конференция, посвященная актуальным вопросам развития технологий в области информационной безопасности — Skolkovo Cyberday 2015 . В деловой программе конференции приняли участие эксперты...

    18 December, 13:59 Efendieva Marina
  • Update available for Startup Village

    Improvements in this version of Startup Village: Record crowds, new setting, creative catering. Like the leading smartphone apps, Startup Village is constantly evolving. The third edition of Russia and Eastern Europe’s biggest startup event is no...

    26 May, 13:03 Nowak David
  • Французские стартапы примут участие в Startup Village

    «Париж: город для любовников… или для стартапов», - писала не так давно The Wall Street Journal. Вторая часть этого утверждения за пределами Франции не столь очевидна, как первая. Видимо, осознавая это, французское правительство разработало...

    22 April, 9:26 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Техностарт-2015

    Компания Адаплаб приняла участие в конкурсе Техностарт 2015 в числе 20 финалистов. В рамках подготовки к конкурсу активно проводилась менторская сессия, где мы получили ценные советы экспертов из области машиностроения, инвесторов технического сектора...

    15 April, 18:39 alex7
  • Белорусский этап Стартап-тура ставит первые рекорды

    МИНСК. Впервые за почти пятилетнюю историю проведения Стартап-тура красную ленточку по случаю открытия его этапа перерезали члены правительств сразу двух государств: вице-премьер РФ Аркадий Дворкович и первый вице-премьер Белоруссии Василий Матюшевский. ...

    14 April, 14:13 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Second foreign assignment for the Startup Tour to kick off in Minsk

    The second foray outside the confines of Russia begins Tuesday for the Startup Tour, which visits the Belarusian capital of Minsk in its quest to uncover and develop the top startups in the CIS. The National Library of Belarus in Minsk, venue for the...

    13 April, 11:06 Nowak David
  • St. Petersburg delights with cow pregnancy tests and ‘Internet of Vegetables’

    A wind generator, a cow pregnancy test and the curiously titled Internet of Vegetables were among the victors in the pitch contest at the seventh stage of the Startup Tour, which wrapped up in St. Petersburg this week. The winners of the pitch sessions...

    27 March, 9:57 Nowak David
  • Startup Tour opens door to Skolkovo ecosystem in Kazakhstan

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan - The Kazakh stage of the Startup Tour concluded on Friday with several innovations winning a place at the Startup Village in June and, perhaps more significantly, the foundations put in place for of a new era of high-tech cooperation between...

    20 March, 17:17 Nowak David
  • The day the Russian Startup Tour ceases to be ‘Russian’

    A key message that Skolkovo transmits its startups is the need to expand into new territories. Now it is leading by example: This week, Russia’s biggest innovations roadshow ventures abroad for the first time in its five-year history. Almaty - the...

    13 March, 14:02 Nowak David
  • From the Urals with innovations: Four teams make Startup Village 2015

    The fifth stage of the Russian Startup Tour culminated this week with four teams from Yekaterinburg winning an invitation to the Startup Village in Moscow. The finalists in Yekaterinburg. Photo: sk.ru The capital of the Ural Mountains region was...

    13 March, 10:25 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo International Robotics Conference: ‘A wheel of opportunity’

    On March 20-22, the Hypercube will host Russia’s biggest robotics event, the Skolkovo International Robotics Conference. Photo: sk.ru Around 1,800 people are registered for the three-day bonanza, which brings robot developers, company CEOs...

    10 March, 16:05 Nowak David
  • Russian Startup Tour reaches Kazan

    More than 140 startups registered an interest to take part in the Kazan stage of the Russian Startup Tour, the fourth stop on the innovations roadshow that runs Tuesday and Wednesday in the Tatarstan capital. The Kazan Kremlin. Photo: flickr The...

    02 March, 10:43 Nowak David
  • Tech park Olympics: Rival bid a little hasty in commiserating Skolkovo

    An hour before Renat Batyrov discovered his project, the Skolkovo Technopark, had won hosting rights to the 2016 IASP World Conference of science parks, he was already being commiserated on defeat by an overconfident rival. “You’ve lost and we’ve...

    24 October, 15:25 Nowak David
  • SV-2014: больше деревни, больше инноваций

    Больше участников, в полтора раза большая площадь, участие иностранных стартапов в конкурсе, самые талантливые дети-изобретатели со всей страны, отдельный шатер Сколтеха, настоящий базар изобретений, роботы, беспилотники и даже знаменитые сколковские коровы...

    14 April, 14:56 Mungalov Dmitry