• Two Skolkovo residents join forces on quantum communications system

    Two residents of the Skolkovo Foundation’s IT cluster have teamed up to work on a secure communications system using quantum cryptography technology devised by Russian Quantum Centre (RQC) in conjunction with existing telecoms infrastructure developed...

    02 September, 12:45 Collinson Shura
  • Техностарт-2015

    Компания Адаплаб приняла участие в конкурсе Техностарт 2015 в числе 20 финалистов. В рамках подготовки к конкурсу активно проводилась менторская сессия, где мы получили ценные советы экспертов из области машиностроения, инвесторов технического сектора...

    15 April, 18:39 alex7
  • St. Petersburg delights with cow pregnancy tests and ‘Internet of Vegetables’

    A wind generator, a cow pregnancy test and the curiously titled Internet of Vegetables were among the victors in the pitch contest at the seventh stage of the Startup Tour, which wrapped up in St. Petersburg this week. The winners of the pitch sessions...

    27 March, 9:57 Nowak David