• Фонд «Сколково» на RIW-2019

    В Москве стартовала «Неделя российского Интернета» - крупнейшая в России конференция и выставка высоких технологий, которая проходит с 2008 года. Фонд «Сколково» - один из партнеров RIW-2019 «Конференция Russian Internet Week...

    12 December, 12:40 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Skolkovo LegalTech-2018: заменят ли роботы юристов

    Около 6 миллиардов человек на планете по тем или иным причинам не имеют доступа к юридическим услугам. Даже в США, относительно благополучной в этом плане стране, лишь каждый пятый может позволить себе оплату услуг юристов по гражданским делам, сообщает журнал...

    15 November, 14:00 Mungalov Dmitry
  • No place for politics in cybersecurity, warn experts

    Cybersecurity experts urged countries to put politics aside and work together to tackle hackers, and to turn the tables on cyber-predators by hunting them down, at an international conference in Moscow this week organised by Skolkovo resident company Group...

    10 October, 15:12 Collinson Shura
  • Когда диагноз ставит робот: в Сколково обсудили цифровую медицину

    15 февраля в Технопарке Сколково прошло представительное мероприятие по цифровой медицине Skolkovo Digital Health MeetUp. Оно собрало несколько десятков резидентов, в основном из IT и биомедицинского кластеров Фонда «Сколково», медиков, экспертов...

    16 February, 13:10 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Russia's development institutes join forces to launch new wave of tech competitions

    The U.S. may be streets ahead in the development of driverless cars, but there is one area where Russia could still overtake, Russian technology experts believe. Their secret weapon? That tried-and-tested historical ally, General Winter. For it’s one...

    13 December, 14:59 Collinson Shura
  • How to navigate the mine(field)s of cryptocurrencies

    There is one topic that seems guaranteed to create a traffic jam along the usually uncongested road leading to the Skolkovo innovation centre, and that topic is blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This week, bitcoin approached a value per coin of $10,000, and...

    28 November, 17:17 Collinson Shura
  • Group-IB warns of ‘powerful boost’ to cybercrime industry

    Banks, power stations and cryptocurrency exchanges are the most likely targets for hacking in the near future, the cybersecurity company Group-IB said Tuesday, presenting its Hi-Tech Crime Trends 2017 report at a conference. Ilya Sachkov, CEO of Group...

    10 October, 16:35 Collinson Shura
  • Gazprom Neft to open R&D centre at Skolkovo

    Oil producer Gazprom Neft is to open a research and development centre at the Skolkovo innovation centre outside Moscow under an agreement signed Thursday at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg (left)...

    16 June, 17:45 Collinson Shura
  • Mobile World Congress 2015

    The Skolkovo Foundation is taking part in the world’s biggest mobile event - Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona, Spain, on 2-5 March 2015. The aim of MWC is to bring together industry leaders, visionaries and innovators to explore the trends that will...

    22 January, 12:16 Nowak David