• Skolkovo and Skoltech set to boost their supercomputer power

    In a year in which supercomputer capacity records are sure to be smashed once again, the European Union has already said it will spend 1 billion euros this year on the machines, which can be used to calculate anything from weather forecasts and oil and gas...

    08 February, 18:13 Collinson Shura
  • Морская энергетика

    Морская энергетика может решить проблемы электроснабжения нефте-газодобывающих платформ без воздействия на окружающую среду с помощью новых подводных безопасных для биосферы вихревых гидроэлектростанций. Описание проблемы Наступила новая эра освоения океана...

  • TICKS not BRICS? Russia’s race to replace commodities with technology

    In an article last week, the Financial Times wrote that the concept of the BRICS group of emerging economies was dead, arguing that Russia and Brazil’s dependence on commodities exports had led to them being usurped by tech-heavy economies Taiwan and...

    04 February, 12:03 Collinson Shura