• Skolkovo to Cooperate with Hyundai and Orange

    Mutual agreements were signed during the first day of Start-up Village-2019 The agreement between Skolkovo and Hyundai, signed by Viktor Vekselberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Foundation, and Son Köngsu, President of the regional...

    29 May, 17:07 Vitaly Shustikov
  • «Сколково» будет сотрудничать c Hyundai и Orange

    Соответствующие договоренности были достигнуты в первый день Startup Village-2019 Соглашение «Сколково» и Hyundai, которое скрепили подписями Виктор Вексельберг, председатель совета директоров Фонда, и президент региональной штаб-квартиры Hyundai...

    29 May, 15:46 Mungalov Dmitry
  • A new acceleration program for Skolkovo’s mobile tech startups

    Inside Skolkovo’s IT cluster, a handful of early-stage companies involved in mobile technology are undergoing an acceleration program designed to get their innovations to market faster. .Vasily Ryzhonkov, head of the software acceleration program at...

    22 July, 15:21 Nowak David