• Startup Tour selects its first winners in Irkutsk

    The winners of the first stage of the Startup Tour in the Siberian city of Irkutsk have been announced, as the nationwide search for promising tech startups prepares to move to the far eastern city of Vladivostok. Igor Karavaev, centre, and Pekka Viljakainen...

    02 February, 17:43 Collinson Shura
  • Стартап-тур дошел до Бабра

    ИРКУТСК. Символом Иркутска со времен Екатерины Второй является бабр. Так на якутском языке называется тигр. Императрица повелела нанести изображение этого сильного животного на герб гигантского края, о богатствах которого должен был свидетельствовать соболь...

    01 February, 11:27 Baklanov Mikhail
  • ‘It’s not an entertainment project:’ why Startup Tour is more crucial than ever amid recession

    As both oil prices and the ruble continue to fall, the Startup Tour that is about to begin its annual journey across Russia in search of promising tech companies is needed more than ever before, says Pekka Viljakainen, the project’s creator and an advisor...

    20 January, 10:03 Collinson Shura