• Medvedev honors Skolkovo pair

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Friday expressed gratitude to the Skolkovo Foundation’s Ekaterina Inozemtseva and Alina Suslova for their work in promoting entrepreneurship in Russia. Inozemtseva is the Foundation’s director of strategy...

    19 December, 15:08 Nowak David
  • Организаторы Startup Village отмечены наградой правительства

    Директор по стратегии Фонда «Сколково» Екатерина Иноземцева и продюсер ежегодной сколковской конференции Startup Village Алина Суслова удостоились награды правительства РФ. Почетные грамоты вручил премьер-министр Дмитрий Медведев в Гиперкубе Сколково...

    19 December, 15:06 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Top government official lauds Russian Startup Tour 2015

    Encouraging economic growth through the 2015 Russian Startup Tour is the best way to combat the difficult political conditions currently facing the country, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said Saturday. Speaking at the International Investment Forum...

    20 September, 22:45 Nowak David