• Firm finds success blowing in the wind

    In 2008, when the price of oil was hovering around $200 per barrel, few Russians were concerned about green energy. But Vladimir Kanin was the exception. Vladimir Kanin founded Optiflame Solutions in 2008 with the profits from the sale of an I.T. start...

    26 June, 14:06 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Russia’s Internet companies go global

    Established Russian players like Yandex and Odnoklassniki are introducing offerings abroad in an attempt to gauge the market for further expansion. The progress the Russian government has made in expanding the use of the Internet within government...

    07 June, 14:23 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Geld, das ganz und gar nicht stinkt

    Philipp Rutberg entwickelte das neue Verfahren zur Müllbeseitigung. Russische Wissenschaftler haben ein umweltfreundliches und wirtschaftliches Verfahren zur Müllverarbeitung entwickelt. Aber den zuständigen Behörden kommen Müllhalden...

    12 July, 15:16 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Un tremplin pour l’innovation médicale

    Les projets soutenus par Skolkovo couvrent plusieurs domaines et notamment la médecine. Crédits photo : PhotoXPress Au sein d’une entreprise moscovite, un groupe de scientifiques a mis au point une valve cardiaque artificielle à...

    14 November, 16:31 Vitaly Shustikov
  • 「スコルコボ」プロジェクト:日本企業の誘致に期待

    ビクトル・ベクセルベルグ氏、「スコルコボ」プロジェクトの総裁=アレクセイ・フィリポヴ撮影/ロシア通信 ロシア屈指の大富豪の一人である実業家のビクトル・ベクセルベルグ氏が、野心的計画を日本に持ち込んだ。それは極めて経済的な計画である。ベクセルベルグ氏は、レノバ投資グループのオーナーであり、フォーブス誌によれば、ロシア長者番付で第8位、世界長者番付で第64位につけている。同氏は同時に、とりわけ野心的な「スコルコボ」プロジェクトの総裁を兼務している。 「スコルコボ」は、ドミートリー・メドベージェフ前大統領が打ち出したプロジェクトだ...

    18 July, 15:29 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo takes Saudi school as model

    Russia’s high-tech business school is attracting students from abroad, learning from the experience of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University. In 2010 some 146,000 foreigners studied in Russia, according to Russia’s Statistics Service...

    16 January, 13:20 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Schöner wohnen - nicht nur für Rubelmillionäre

    Es verging kaum ein Tag, dass Dmitri Medwedjew nicht von Skolkowo schwärmte, das dem Land neue Impulse geben soll. In seiner Architektur scheint es diese Hoffnung zu erfüllen. Projekt des internationalen Architekturbüros Saltans+Jaeger...

    15 June, 14:26 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skoltech’s first class presents their inventions

    Students of the first class at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology presented their latest accomplishments to Skolkovo Foundation President Viktor Vekselberg at a recent symposium. Apart from their academic appraisals, the students demonstrated...

    21 January, 5:52 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Détecter les radiations, et les financements !

    Crédits photo : Kommersant Les scientifiques russes ont mis au point un appareil de mesure de radioactivité intégré au téléphone portable. C’est une première sur le marché mondial, mais les scientifiques...

    14 November, 16:17 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Russia monetizes its innovative potential

    On the last week of March, a team from the Skolkovo Foundation came to Silicon Valley for the eight annual Global Technology Symposium. Skolkovo Foundation President Viktor Vekselberg,left (2), and Anatoly Chubais, the head of the Russian Nanotechnology...

    02 April, 9:46 Voronkov Viktor
  • La technopole conçue comme une vraie ville

    Skolkovo, la cité du futur consacrée à la science, la recherche et l’innovation, telle une « Silicon Valley » russe, s’apprête à sortir de terre. Projet utopique ou visionnaire ? La ville conçue...

    21 May, 16:00 Vitaly Shustikov
  • What should Russia expect in 2013?

    Pundits predict a loss of momentum for the protest movement at home and see little scope for improvement in relations with the West. High hopes: low-cost Russian satellites will revolutionise the market. Source: AP. A cool relationship between Russia...

    16 January, 13:34 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Russian innovators pursue prototype to prevent piracy

    The creators of Pirate Pay, a Perm-based start-up, say they can stop files from being illegally downloaded from torrent networks. In 2009, brothers Andrei and Alexei Klimenko and their friend Dmitry Shuvaev created a file-sharing traffic management...

    11 May, 12:36 Voronkov Viktor
  • La technopole de Skolkovo doit faire ses preuves

    Le Président Medvedev et le patron du Fonds Vekselberg au lancement du projet Skolkovo. Crédits photo : RIA Novosti/Dmitry Astakhov Objectif affiché : devenir la locomotive de l’économie russe. Rome ne s’est...

    18 December, 15:18 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Russian IT market faces cloudy future

    The Russian IT market is growing fast, but the number of problems that have come to the forefront are proving to be a serious threat. Hardware continues to dominate the Russian IT market, making up more than 50 percent of the sector. Source: ITAR-TASS...

    02 February, 11:37 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo reaches a magic number

    Israeli medicine and biotechnology start-up Parasight will become the 500th participant in the Skolkovo Innovation Center. Skolkovo Foundation President Viktor Vekselberg (middle) awarding the 500th certificate and a crystal brick to Israel’s...

    27 June, 7:46 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Une ville intelligente à l'image de ses résidents

    En 2014, la « Silicon Vallée » de la banlieue de Moscou accueillera le sommet du G8. Dès à présent, à Skolkovo, on commence la construction du réseau routier ainsi que du parc industriel et de l’université...

    05 June, 14:35 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo presents its outstanding achievements

    During the St. Petersburg Forum, the representatives of Skolkovo confirmed that the group is going to grow. Now about 10,000 companies have applied to participate in this project, promoted by the Russian government. Source: rbth.ru

    08 July, 9:35 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Interface entre cerveau humain et ordinateur : c’est pour demain

    Le rêve favori des écrivains de science-fiction se réalisera très bientôt. Des chercheurs russes sont en train de mettre au point un logiciel d’interface neuronale, grâce à une bourse offerte par la technopole...

    22 May, 15:41 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo: Fast track to the future

    Russia is rapidly building an Innovation City near Moscow, a prized new home for investors, scientists and researchers. A 600-hectare business park under construction has five clusters: biotechnology, energy, IT, space and nuclear technology. Russian...

    09 November, 17:01 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo part à la « cueillette » des jeunes pousses dans les grandes écoles de commerce

    Pour les élèves de l’INSEAD de Fontainbleau, prestigieuse école de management formant les futurs Bill Gates et Mark Zuckerberg, le nom de Skolkovo est devenu familier. Pour la deuxième année consécutive, la «...

    02 July, 15:12 Vitaly Shustikov
  • What role will Russia play in the space century?

    As technology develops and private companies expand into intergalactic travel, vacationing and working in space seems to be less and less far-fetched. Elena Shipilova of Russia Beyond the Headlines spoke with Sergei Zhukov , head of the Space Technology...

    31 May, 13:31 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Linking religion, the state and innovation

    Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov speaks to Vedomosti about the success of Skolkovo and Russia's innovative development. His government duties cover both religion and innovation, and he sees no contradiction between them. Russia's...

    30 October, 10:05 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Monitor your nuclear risk with DO-RA the radiation explorer

    In the wake of the Fukushima disaster, a new radiation monitoring device that works with mobile phone and satnav systems is being marketed. Radiation alert: device transmits readings around the world A Russian research engineer has designed a...

    30 November, 17:25 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Creating demand at home

    Russia’s efforts to diversify the economy must focus on creating demand for modernization at home rather than only exporting products abroad. Drawing by Niyaz Karim Recently, Russia's efforts at developing hi-tech production have...

    23 May, 14:49 Vitaly Shustikov